In class assignment Dec. 1

While taking the test I felt the setup was clean and precise, yet the test itself was not. I found the games, after completing them, would not record the results and I would have to skip the games. Due to the fact the test had to go off my multiple choice answers only I dont really trust the animal/behavior I was given at the end because of the information the test went off of. If I was able to complete the tests successfully and have the information from them put into the system I would be more confident in the results I was given.

This interview was between the rapper Master Shortie and a reporter, named  Aleks Krotoski. They talk about piracy of music over the internet via electronic websites. Master Shortie defends those who download illegally and actually states how it helps some musicians gain momentum and money in the end. I really enjoyed this clip because I felt I could relate with what Master Shortie was saying. My generation is growing up and living on the frontier of the internet and new media age so we are used to just downloading music when we want instead of having to go to a store and buy a cd or record. The interview can be found here

The reason I chose Steve Wozniak is because….. well….. its the Woz himself. I’ve been a fan of his since I had watched a video about the beginning of the Mac computers and about when Bill Gates and The two Steves were starting out. I really enjoyed the interview when he was discussing the Home Brew Computer company. I feel that what he is talking about is really kind of the beginning of what our generations really become known for, technology and the internet. I just found alot of what he had to say interesting and that he did everything he accomplished because it was something he enjoyed doing. He just happened to change the world at the same time. This article can be found here.

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